
How do you "all" keep your passion , up & running on this....?

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...adoption forum,with out "burning out" ??????? Thank you.




  1. I think everyone "burns out" from time to time. Taking breaks often is what works for me. What I'm finding is that my desire to be here is less and less and I certainly don't feel passionate about it. Popping in now and then is all the  time and energy I have these days.

  2. I think I'll echo Cam's comments.  

    My passion has waned, and I've been taking longer breaks from here.  I still want to be involved as I believe I have something important to contribute.  (I've been told as much in private messages from various people on here.)  But I also don't have as much an interest in defending against the almost daily attacks from certain corners.  Some people have their blinders on, and they don't want them taken off for any reason.  So I just try to answer questions where I think I might do someone some good, and let much of the rest of it go.

  3. Great question.  I've wondered this myself many times.  So whatever answers you get will be interesting for me as well.

  4. When I start to feel tense and b*tchy around here I take a break or I only answer questions that I don't find triggering. Sometimes it takes me a few hours too cool off and sometimes a few days.

    If I feel really out of sorts after visiting I run to my girls and hug them until I am smiling again!

  5. I just allow myself to get burned out  and not participate as much when I feel the need.  When I start getting frustrated and find myself giving answers that aren't helpful to anyone, just because I need to vent, it's time to take a break.


  6. I will be tapering off soon, but right now my passion is about the fact that I am a new mom, and YA has been great along the way to learn more and share more.

    I am passionate about my children, their process, and enjoy spending about a max. half hour per day perusing answering and asking.

  7. ...because it's the only thing I can do that allows me to sit at the park or in the middle of the play room and still have adult contact and discuss issues without being overheard by my children......

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