
How do you raise a toddler without LOSING your mind?

by Guest58156  |  earlier

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Angel, I'm married, I have two degrees and a diploma in Early Childhood Education... :) I's ironic.

My daughter listens for the most part but she is extremely clingy and becomes aggressive when she doesn't get her way, even though my husband and I are very loving, caring and gentle with her.




  1. From personal experience, your mind got sucked out when you were pregnant, and it will take about 25 years before it comes back to you in the shape it was before you got pregnant.  Buckle up it's going to be a bumpy ride!

  2. Set the house rules and consistently punish whoever breaks them whenever they break them. This will help but unfortunately you'll still lose your mind on occasion.

  3. This is just sad to me. The toddler years are some of the most precious years in a child's lifetime. They learn something new each and every day. Play with them, take them for walks, read to them, keep them busy and just enjoy them. Of course they are going to get into things....they are curious. Of course they are going to fuss a bit ...if they are tired, bored or hungry. Just keep them busy.  

    If you are having difficulty with the toddler years......hold on tight! Before you know it they will be a teenager and that is when you really need your mind!

  4. just roll with it!


  6. Hahaha! Very good question! Just remember that you need to take care of yourself, in order to be able to care for your kids. Wouldn't we all like to have happy parents? If you take time once in awhile to do the things you enjoy, you will be a happier person, and your kids will benefit.

    Not saying be selfish, just don't feel guilty about having your own fun once in awhile!

  7. well, I have a toddler and I'm not losing my mind. It really depends about what area are you having problems with your toddler. I'm gonna be honest here, my toddler used to drive me nuts, but I decided I was gonna try a different approach on things. I became more loving and caring, I stoped the yelling, and things changed considerably. I talked to her clamy and she actually listens and has been a good girl ever since. That convinced me that children do imitate behaviours. If you yell and hit, they are gonna think that is OK behavior. Teach your tod boundaries and rules, and be consistent.

  8. You just haved to learn how to have patience (easier said than done,huh). But have to learn how to block out some of the crying. If your nerves are bad like mine and I'm only 21 lol , then you should know, or will learn that if you go in another room and zone out a little bit,then take a deep breath, it may help. I have anxiety attacks a lot because it's too much for me, but if I can do it,then you definitely can too. But if you really are having a hard time,then you need to talk to your doctor about trying a medication that will help soothe you.

  9. How old are you?  Are you a full time parent or do you work outside your home?  Do you get enough rest?  Do you have spousal support or a extended suppport network ?   Do you have a church?  Did you bbecome a parent by choice?  There are so many things that effect parenting....

    Have you considered taking parenting classes at your local church or mental health association?  

    Dont be ashamed!   Kids dont come with an owners manual.  So our parenting skills are usually based on experience we had with our parents growing up an dthe  limited amount of education the public school system gave us about parenting.  

    I think every parent can benefit from a good parenting program. They are offered usually for free or very limited mount of money or even based on income.   You get what you want from the programs.   But even a little idea can help.

    These are fantastic years and they go by so very fast.  In the blink of an eye they are gone!

    Good luck and dont wait, sign up today!

  10. Keep the rules and never waiver from them. Consistency helps when dealing with a toddler and eventually they abide by the rules, every now and then they try your patience but that is just part of the "toddler experience".

    Just stay firm and it will be easier for both of you.

  11. You don't.  What you can do though is keep telling yourself that they'll have grown out of it by the time they reach 18!  Worked for me ... kinda.

  12. you don't... apparently it (your mind) comes back somewhere around the same time your kids hit 30

  13. I dont know...when you figure it out, let me know..too many of my friends have lost their minds to toddlers...

  14. they are not satisfied until you lose your mind that's,their gold,So act crazy and they will straighten up quick.Act like you have lost your mind for a day.

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