
How do you rate BBC News? Is new report right? Is BBC now 'totally run by left wing subversives'? Do BBC lie??

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Word up..




  1. The BBC are biased,they are the Governments mouthpiece.

  2. Depends upon your own point of view.

    If you are right wing, you will see left wing bias in the Beeb

    If you are left wing, you will notice right wing bias.

    the further to one extreme or another you will see the beeb as extreme in the other direction

    whilst those who are independent see the BBC as fair and independent.

    comparing the BBC's coverage of one event to that in the Jerusalem Post will no doubt show anti-Israel bias  but if you read the Gaza Times or whatever, the beeb would look anti- Palestinian.

  3. (a) Jerusalem post is highly biased.

    (b) Just because something is called 'Honest reporting' doesn't mean that that is what you will always get.

    (c) The BBC IS biased and has an infamous track record of being easily influenced by the government and corporations.

    So the moral of the story is: Don't believe everything you read.

  4. Just because that reporter was not at the scene, who is to say he didn't move off to file that report. BBC news is a good as CNN.

    Edit: don't get you knickers in a twist, BTW your're posting anti British stuff, so you can GFYM.

  5. The BBC has the world's largest audience, many of whom, including myself, believe and know that the BBC is unbiased in it's reportage of events.

    Right now in UK academia, there is an anti-Israel bias.  This has been reported by the BBC but this does not mean that the BBC supports such anti-Israel bias.

    Don't blame the messenger. . . . .

    Whatever people may think, the truth is that Britain will always support the under-dog and in this case the under-dog is Palestine and the Palestinian people.

    It has come to my attention that Jesus Christ was born in the town of Bethlehem which is in Palestine - therefore, Jesus Christ is a Palestinian.

    . . . .how else can I put it?

  6. The BBC is and always has been, an establishment mouthpiece.

    Currently, it's so left wing, that it makes Lenin seem a fascist.


    Clive  H.

    Actually, Palestine, was then Israel:  Albeit under Roman occupation.

    He was brought up a Jew, baptised as a Jew, and certainly would have been circumcised under the Mosaic law.  He also said that he had come not to destroy that law, but to fulfill it.

    Your attempt to link Christ birthplace with modern geopolitical borders, which have changed much over the last two millenia,  would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.  Christ's identity is so blatantly Jewish, yet by modern geography, you try to turn him into a Palestinian.  LMFAO!!   Are you honestly for real?

  7. Were you aware that the BBC had actually admitted that it was left wing. It had been criticised so many times that it decided to do an internal review, and yes, it agreed that it was. If you consider that it advertises its 'situations vacant' in the Guardian, is it any wonder that it gets a lot of lefties applying.

    It also has a definite anti US pro EU attitude. It is in favour of multiculturalism and immigration. 'Question Time' is a testament to a lefty/liberal bias. And yes, it definitely has an anti-Israeli bias. You only have to look at its reporting on the Arab - Israeli conflict.

    You won't find this written it its Charter, because it is the employees themselves that are biased. They are nearly all graduates, and so they will have also been indoctrinated by left wing academics. The other terrestrial channels aren't much better.

  8. The BBC has been left wing for many years now, i stopped believing their propaganda years ago.

    They are not only anti Israeli, they are also anti English, anti white, anti Christian, anti America and opposed to any view that doesn't promote the EU, mass immigration to the UK, ethnic "rights" over the majority  (one day to be minority!) indigenous population, OH and they are pro ANY religion other than Christianity, but especially Islam.

    How i wish i didn't have to pay that damned licence fee.

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