
How do you rate Google adsense class conduct by a. Good b. Ok C. Can't say?

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I joined this google adsense class conduct by I earned 100 dollars cheque 3 times. But I want to earn more like 1000 dollars per month. What step I have to take next?. The above mentioned website thought the following topics.

1. Always put quality content & Unique content

2. Optimization of your website, Create search engine friendly website or blogs or webpages.

3. Using High paying keywords

4. Placing google adsense ads in the correct place of your webpage or blogs. It helps me a lot, but I want to earn more money not 100 dollars every month. I want to earn 1000 dollars every month

I want to apart from this how to drive traffic more traffic to my website.




  1. Now a days most of google adsense offering websites are spam and another thing they simply asking you 49 Dollars and give one CD and Google book (that book have not sufficient information on adsense or it never teach you how to earn from google adsense. But you see I came to know from my friends it is not spam or cheating the people. It gives direct training for google adsense that itself shows they are genuine one. Second thing, you cannot earn 1000 dollars in a month. It is very very difficult. Because you have to get 10000 impression to get 1000 dollars a month. Your content and using keywords play a crucial role in this earnings. Quality content, Excellent web-layout, Excellent and correct placing of ads Very rich high paying keywords and good title for your website or blog only place in top 10 of the google search. According to me I say "Good" for google adsense programme  

  2. There are two different thoughts on how to get people to click on ads.  Either blend them in so they don't look obvious, or make them obvious.  Let me explain.

    If you change the background color, link color, and borders of your adsense ad to match what the rest of your site looks like, people will naturally see the ads as a normal part of your site, and thus likely to click it as they navigate around your site looking for information.  If you can't get the adsense ads to match your site content, change your site content to look more like a google ad in font, indentation, formatting, size.  These are all legal from google adsense standpoint.

    Otherwise, you can make the ads stick out so that people's eyes are drawn to them.  Put them in the page hotspots (middle of the page, top of left nav).  Remember, when we read, we start at the upper left and read to the right.  And we are trained with web pages to kinda tune out the navigation and look at the center of the page for content.  Put Ads There!!!  People will see them, might even think this is the main content that you have, and are likely to find them interesting and click them.

    Also, embedding the ads in the middle of content does a couple things.  It blends the ads in, making them appear as part of your site, but also being around content will create more relevant ads because google analyzes the content around the ad to figure out what kind of ads to put there.

    Jeremy Zerr

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