
How do you rate "Fox News" with other news channels on TV??

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Can you tell a "Republican" just by asking what news channell they perfer??




  1. fox is more slanted to the republicans just like cnn and most other news stations and newspapers are slanted toward the democrats.

  2. Fox News is far from 'Fair and Balanced'

    Fox News is slanted far to the Right as the so called 'Mainstream Media' (As the Right Wing radio Hosts call them) is slanted to the Left.

    I see 'Fair and Balanced' as airing one issue and allowing viewpoints from all Parties.

  3. I watch a few news stations but I like Fox the best. Not only do they report all the news, unlike the others that only report the news they want you to hear, they have representatives from all sides. Of course you can probably recognize a Republican by the fact that the women look and act like women and the men look and act like men.

  4. Fox news is so slanted in favor of ultra-conservative views and corporate interests that it is more of a propaganda network than a news network. I have found that the English language version of Deutsch Welles to be more balanced than any American news networks.  

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