
How do you react when someone makes fun of you?

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For an example,if someone walked passed you and said "You are ugly" how would you react?




  1. i find ammo and give it right back to them. i would usually look at them and find something bad about them. hey if they want to play that game, i'll go for it.  

  2. Well depending on who said this, being I am an adult I can't very well go off on a kid just being mean...I would shake it off and forget it. Now if it were someone who is an adult and knows better knowing myself I would definitely confront them getting myself into trouble. Reacting on impulse would subjectively allow my mean *** hot temper lead the situation. This isn't suppose be what you should do, if you're smart and want to be mature and chance no bodily harm know to ignore, walk away, dismiss the insult, and then not let that stupid someone and their derogatory remark effect the rest of the day


  4. I would laugh. They wouldnt expect laughter because their intention would be to hurt me so I would show them the exact opposite.

    I would laugh and say something like "If Im ugly, then I dont know what to call you! Your beyond that." Then I would keep laughing as I walked away.

  5. hmm id just laugh and act like it was a stupid comeback and walk away. its probably the best way to handle something. if you say sometihng back then it will get even bigger.  

  6. I'd laugh at them.  They will definitely look confused.  If they ask why I'm laughing, then you can tell them this and it doesn't matter what they said,

    Yep, I'm ___________, but if the alternative is being you, I'll have a much better time _______________.  Thanks for the compliment.

  7. I would say if im so ugly, then why does your mom keep coming back for more? I mean thats why you have multiple brothers and sisters! Lol I would only say that if I were a dude, but since im a girl, I would say beyatch please don't hate me cause im beautiful! You can kiss my a  s  s  . hmm, i must be so ugly that your boyfriend just wont stop calling me!

  8. i really dont care what people say about me so i just blow it off or be like "Proud of it" or sumthing that makes me realize how low or shallow they r. if people make fun of you...they r just jeleous of sumthing. ;)

  9. Shoot, I'd probably get POed and punch them then and there. But I was raised wrong, I think what your supposed to do is reply,"No sir, you my friend are the ugly one" or something like that...

  10. just ignore them, I know it's hard, but just do it and it will pay off, also you can say... have you looked in a mirror lately, but if you say that the other person could tell someone you said that and you could get in trouble, also note that the person is just trying to get on you're nerves

  11. I just ignore them. I know I'm better than their criticism.  

  12. depending on who that person is i would just ignore it, or if it was some bully who i hated i would punch them in the face and tell then to **** off

  13. continue to walk by and prentend as if i didn't hear it!

    how do i know they are talking about me they are just walking by!

    but if for some weird reason i did know!

    i would ignore it

    i know who i am the person walking by don't so who cares what they think!

    now if it was my partner walking by saying that and he wasn't just messing around!  i would be hurt because i care what he thinks!

    and then i would dig deeper and see what part of me he thought was ugly!

  14. when I was younger I wold have cried. But I would make fun right back at them. most of the time I p**s people of by laughing because it is their purpose to upset me. If you know your not ugly or anything else you can't get mad just laugh. the ones that like to talk about or make fun of other people are insecure and have doubts about themselves.  

  15. I'd either shoot off a snappy comeback, something self-deprecating that's funny (and then tell them that they need to work on their material), or something sarcastic.  

  16. lauh and walk away cuz you no that there only doing this because they're jealous but if they make you lower they somehow think that it makes them higher.  its wierd i know

  17. I like to agree with them because hey, what good will it do to get upset?  

    If someone said, "You are ugly" to me, I'd probably say something like, "You should see my twin!"  then laugh and walk away....

    Ignore people like that... they're idiots.

  18. It depends on the person. This guy I thought was cute and nice said this to me. I don't think I said anything but I did smile. I was embarrassed. I couldn't believe he was so rude. I didn't think he was cute after that. I was quiet and nice. Someone else said that to me and I did the same thing. He was ugly too though. I never liked him. A friend of mine said when he saw a photo of him, but he's not even attractive. Some girl said I must shop at Goodwill. I said no, I actually shop at Filene's (now Macy's). I wish I had better comebacks but whatever.

    Nowadays, I'll just laugh it off. I know it's not true. I have a good looking husband who will defend my honor. :-)  My wedding photos came out beautiful. Finally. I am not photogenic at all. I am very happy that I took some decent photos for once in my life.  

  19. It doesn't bother me anymore. There was a time when it did, but I guess beauty is the eye of the beholder.

    There's always someone who loves you and thinks you're beautiful and will always be someone who doesn't.

    Take it with a grain of salt and walk away.

  20. laugh, because they have nothing better to do than to put other people down. my mother always used to tell me "when someone blames you for something, more than likely they're guilty of it themselves". people who put other people down in that manner usually have many insecurities, in this case they probably feel "ugly" themselves.  

  21. People have always made fun of me,but now that I am an adult,I just ignore the person who makes fun of me. It is one thing for children and teens to make fun of another,but for another adult to make fun of another adult,it is just childish.

  22. you don't react..that's why people do it to get a reaction out of you..ignore them and walk away or laugh at them and tell them they are immature lol

  23. I'm a blackbelt, for real, and I would probably kick them in the face. Or tell them something about theirself that would seem very harsh and mean, I'm pretty mean about that stuff.  

  24. Violently.

    "You're ugly."

    "Well you're unconscious."



    Solution reached.  

  25. I would probably fall out laughing and think that was pretty bold. I may even say ugly things back to them. What I have siblings!  That is what you do.  Not saying it's right by any means.

  26. Smile and keep walking, while thinking to myself how poor self esteem they must have to yell at me a complete stranger. =]

  27. insult them back,

    i'd be like, EH *****... YOUR FAT!! :P

  28. scream "d**n right!" laugh. lol. I don't take things seriously. And when I insult people I don't do it seriously either. People think I'm all normal by looking at me but most of the time I joke around. You should say "haha so are you! We should be the ugly stepsitters!" :D

  29. I laugh about it if it's true or come back with with a good quip to make the person think or an untruth to cancel out their negativity. That's about as clean as i can make it for you to understand my meaning.

  30. That's not making fun that is offensive abuse. You are obviously a girl but even so you should say something more insulting back. I can think of plenty but will let you make your own list. Develop a repertoire of "put downs" of varying degrees of nastiness and pick them out to suit the occasion.

  31. Either scream loudly or run away.  Then I would tell a teacher/the police that the person had punched me.

    That's what they get for calling me ugly.

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