
How do you read people in texas hold'em?

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How do you read people in texas hold'em?




  1. To read people in texas holdem takes experience, and the knowledge of doing so is not soo easily equitted. It is very hard to read people especially if it is online poker, traps you can watch out for are, people may have good cards before flop but choose to check as a way to get other people to bet and make them think they're control and on the river bet raise their bets.

    People can also raise to protect, say you bet alot and the turn comes up, you really don't want to lose your money because you have nothing this is where you bluff. You raise the bets to make it so you actually have something when all you're doing is scaring people into folding.

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  2. whe nthe flop comes out if they lean in then that means they have a good hand and if they lean out then they are nto interested. This is a good tip for more amatures obvisouley its not always true

  3. Reading people in texas hold em very very difficult, you have to notice for long time, you have to keep on eye on everything, but i would say read as much article as possible, then you will learn how to read ppl, for reading article u can try this article page, very helpful:

  4. The best way is by observing them even when you aren't in the hand.  A little game I play with myself when I an playing poker is I always try to put everyone in the hand on a hand, and I do this every single hand I am at the table for.  After awhile you get decent at it.  On other mistake alot of people make is looking at their cards out of turn, watch the other players, some cut out chips before the action gets to them, others cap their cards if they are going to play them others have them in their hands in fold mode.  (most folks look at their cards when they get them instead of when it is their turn to act).  Never watch the flop, watch the people in the hand when the flop comes, you can pick up all kinda stuff.  With experience you will learn how to read some people, everyone isn't readable, they bet the same all the time, and dont talk, or anything.  Good luck.

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