
How do you really thank the love of your life for being so great to you?

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She is the most wonderful woman in my life. i do special things all the time...i need more ideas. :) thank you.




  1. Wow that's great that you want to show her how much you appreciate and love her!

    Maybe just have a night devoted to her only. Write her a love letter, buy her some flowers, cook for her, give her a massage..that kind of thing.  

  2. Aww you are a sweetheart!!!  And she is very very lucky to have you!!! you have a single brother??? lol

    I think just by in your everyday actions, you show her your appreciation....sometimes the best words of gratitude are the ones that are best unspoken!  : )  

  3. You are an awesome man for wanted to show your appreciation to her.

    I personally would like to feel appreciated. Set up an romantic evening for you both, not necessarily got out to dinner and such but cook dinner for her and rent a movie. Tell her how much you really appreciate her.  

  4. How sweet!

    Flowers wither and diamonds need to be cleaned....But appreciation and love stretch a long way...

    I am sure you are doing a great job  :)

    I personally love date nights or just a long ride on a cool night...

  5. Here is two good idea for you,

    1) Depending on how many years you two have been together, I would buy the same amount of Roses for her.  If it's over 12 than you have your work cut out for you.  Tell her that every rose represent the numbers of years that you have been together and to make it even better, think of something for each year like 1st year the year that you declared your love for her and do the same with the other roses.

    2) Get 11 roses and buy a plastic rose and put it in the middle of the real ones.  When you give them to her, tell her that you will love her until the last rose dies.    

  6. Can never go wrong with oral and/or anal.

  7. I rented a movie my wife wanted to see. Had the room set. made a pillow bed on floor, lit candles, and sprinkled rose petals all around, she loved it.  

  8. Love letters are a great way to express yourself and tell her how you feel.  She can keep them and reflect on them in later years.

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