
How do you recesion proof your own family/self?

by  |  earlier

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Ideas? I recycle and have begun shopping at the outdoor food markets.




  1. Get a recession proof job, live in a city with good public transportation, don't buy a lot of junk.

  2. Hm I don't mean to appear mean or anything.  But there isn't a recession right now.  We are above a recession (though we can get into one later this year).  Our GDP is still positive.  A recession is when there is negative- GDP growth for two consecutive quarters (economic quarters. for ex. if there was two straight quarters with negative growth of -7% and -1% then that's a recession).

    However, the economy is rough.  And things aren't going so well.  So there are things we can all do to lessen the strain of the economy on ourselves.

    - Grow your own food.

    That way you don't need to buy food. And add to demand for it.  With food prices high and supply low, one of the ways to bring food prices down is to reduce demand (less demand- lower prices.  less supply- higher prices.  more demand- higher prices.  more supply- higher prices.  Since you can't increase supply worldwide currently and can't increase demand without raising prices, cut down on grocery shopping when not needed or grow food :D)

    - Buy only what you need.  Don't buy too much.

    - Keep track of your credit.  Don't spend so much (spending too much) and be cautious with credit cards.  Check your :) personal credit report often to ensure that there are no mistakes that could wipe your credit.

    - Green living.  Try not to use your car.  Use trains, bikes, etc.  That will reduce demand for gas.

    - Reduce your commuting too.  Use alternate energy and encourage others to do that too.  Buy cars that have better fuel milage. :)

    That will help reduce gas/oil needs more.  Demand is high...and it must be reduced.  That's why people need to keep on cutting their usage of cars.  Oil prices went down about 21 dollars because of less demand.  Oh yeah, drive only when you need to and do carpool- it will reduce the cars on Earth and less mileage needed to be done.

    - Write to your elected officials.  Ask them to get our President and others to work with businesses to create clean energy.  It must be looked into and is something that should be invested.

    - Food markets and farmer's markets are good :)  They need more people to buy from them. In addition, they have cheaper prices. :)

    Hope our economy gets better and :) I like your ideas.  Hopefully more people will conserve and be careful with how they spend their earnings- the cause of how we got into this problem was somewhat due to people buying too much and getting loans they could not compensate back.

  3. the number one thing to avoid in economic downturns is consumer debt.  eliminate all debt and you will go a long way to surviving tough times.  the second thing is to invest hard money assets such as gold and silver.  the third is to watch your spending and live below your means.  this allows you to save money and use it for investing or emergencies.

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