
How do you reconcile Obama's words with those of Jesus Christ?

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In 2004, a reporter with the Chicago Sun-Times spoke with Obama about his beliefs. During the course of that interview Obama stated the following:

"Jesus is an historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith, and one that I think is powerful precisely because he serves as that means of us reaching something higher. And he's also a wonderful teacher. I think it's important for all of us, of whatever faith, to have teachers in the flesh and also teachers in history."

He very clearly states here that Jesus is a teacher and bridge to something higher, but only within the Christian faith. He’s also very careful to never mention terms like “Christ”, “Savior”, “Messiah”. Then he goes on to say: "I believe that there are many paths to the same place".

I would like to challenge anyone who claims to be a Christian, but supports Obama, to show me how they can reconcile Obama’s statements above with the words of Jesus Christ himself who said:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)




  1. You go girl!

    Elder Greg


  2. Obama is running for President, he doesn't have to be a Christian to do that job.

    It's only the Christians like you who are making an issue about that.

  3. "I would like to challenge anyone who claims to be a Christian, but supports Obama..."

    Maybe there are some Christians who support Obama because of his policies and platform, not merely on the basis of his religion.  Just a wild guess.

  4. Why, oh why, oh why does a person have to vote for a candidate based on their religion?  We did that largely in 2000 and 2004, and look what it got us.  For the love of un-God, leave religion out of it.  Let's vote once in our miserable lives on something that actually matters!

    Obama also said that he had to base his policies on the whole nation, and not just on the basis of his religious beliefs.  It's certainly better than someone who wants to stack the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, continue to block research that can improve treatments of diseases like Cancer, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's; and on and on.  This is all based on religious values.

    For once, let's evaluate a candidate on things that actually matter as opposed to their religious leanings.

    EDIT--No, he is not doing what Hitler did.  Hitler actually put his plan into print in 1923 while he was in prison.  He didn't hide anything, he didn't try to back door anything.  It was right there: his intent to invade Russia, his intent to annex all German speaking people, the intent to reclaim Danzig, and the intent to liquidate the Jews.  If Obama's doing the same thing--putting his specific plans into writing--then there is hope for this country yet.  Have you bothered to read his website?

    It should be abundantly clear, how I feel about religion and religious claims from Obama.  I don't.  I think it's atrocious that a candidate should have to appeal to the ignorance and superstition of people in order to become leader of the most powerful and potentially destructive nation on earth.  That should frighten YOU just a little bit.

    EDIT--No, the point is not that he lied.  The point is that he doesn't fit the religious worldview of the religious right.  It should be abundantly clear now that the policies of the far right are destructive to us as a nation.  Obama is not pandering to the religious right, so he is being accused of lying.  It's really a shameful and disgraceful tactic.  Somewhere along the line, someone confused being a Christian with having to disenfranchise those who aren't Christians.  Obama seems to be unwilling to follow that pattern. This is a good thing!

  5. I think the point people are not getting here is that he lied.  He claims to be a Christian but says there are many paths leading to the same place.

    It doesn't matter that he is or is not a Christian, people, what matters is that he lied and he is trying to say what he thinks you all want to hear.    How can a person like that be trusted?

  6. Thank you!!! Amen and preach it sister. They cannot do so. They want their cake and to eat it too. They do not want him to be scrutinized by anyone, especially the press. He will continue to hide in shadows.

    If that's the case justagirl those people and him will destroy this country, economically. We are not a nation based on taking from others and giving to those who don't do for themselves. That is not what we are built upon.

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