Did you find yourself concealing what you thought or felt because you were afraid of her reaction and wrath?
Did you feel that anything you said or did could be twisted and used against you?
Did you feel you loved her, but at the same time feel really anxious around her?
Were you blamed for everything wrong in the relationship and her life?
Was she irrationally jealous of every woman, even actors on TV?
Were you the focus of intense, violent, and irrational rages, only to have her wake up the next day and tell you she loves you?
Did you sometimes feel like you were being manipulated, that you didn't really trust her, that she was really out for herself and didn't give a rat's a** about your feelings?
Did you ever try to talk about some of these problems with her to only be met with scorn or silence?
When you met her, did she think you were the greatest thing to ever happen to her, the answer to her prayers?
Did she later tell you she hated you, she's wasted her life on you, and she wished you were never born?
If you gave a suggestion, a piece of advice, or an opinion, did she almost always do the opposite?
Were you accused of things you never said, and things you never did?
Were you constantly being put down?
Did you begin to feel alienated from your friends, your family, your former life?
Did you have a hard time making plans because of her moodiness and unpredictability, and impulsiveness?
Did you tell yourself that everything will be okay?
Did you ever figure out why you put up with this?
Has anyone recovered enough and how did you do it?