My little sister was taken to the ER about 3 days ago, and they gave her morphine to ease her abdominal pain. Her stomach is doing better, but she is walking around like a zombie, losing her balance while she's walking, unable to remember anything that she said or did the night before. When I try and get her to sleep or lay down, she won't because she's convinced that she's fine and doesn't think anything's wrong, but I'm so scared she's really going to hurt herself. Help. How do I get her at least thinking normally so she can be more careful when I can't be watching her. I realize it could be something else, because she has been to the ER and had morphine before, but she's lost weight since the last time she went, and I'm afraid it's affecting her more powerfully than it used to. I appreciate any advice -- she's still convinced that she's fine to go camping tonight, and I'm scared. Thanks