
How do you recycle those soda can plastic ring things?

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My recycling guys don't take those plastic can holder rings. They said to just throw them away. Does anybody know a better solution for these rings aside from giving up the habit of canned beverages completely???????? Thanks.......




  1. You can hang onto them until you get quite a few and then freecylce them.  I know of a few craft projects for kids that use those.  THere are several elementary schools that do craft projects around the hoidays and you could donate them to the cause.  I know I would love to have some for our school's craft days...if not this year, than next!  If those aren't options for you, than just cut the rings and put them in with the rest of the recycling like the previous poster suggested.

  2. I am an avid recycler, and a crafter, too.  I use the 6 pack rings to make beautiful things!  This is the perfect time to make snowflakes and wreaths out of them.  In the springtime, I make flowers,,,they look like hiacynths.

    It's difficult to explain how to make the snowflakes and wreaths without being able to show you, but the hiacynths are simple.  

    1.  Just cut the rings apart, making 6 circles.  

    Fold one ring in half.  

    2.  Take a bamboo skewer, and poke it through the two layers of the folded circle, and slide it to the end of the skewer.  

    3.  Take another, and do the same thing rotating the rings, so they nest, rather than stack on eachother.  

    4.  Continue until the skewer is about half full, then spray paint any color you like.  

    5.  After the paint is dry, cut 2 green "leaves" out of a green 2 liter bottle, and slide them up to the bottom of the rings.  

    6.  Stick these in the ground to give the appearance of spring flowers.

    My grandmother used to get upset, because she would place flowers on my grandfathers grave, and would discover that the flowers were stolen, and placed on other graves.  So I started making these for her, and laughed when I noticed that soon my flowers were decorating lots of graves at the cemetary.  They are simple and inexpenseive, and a great way to recycle!

  3. are you talking about the plastic that holds a six pack together?  I quite buying the six and went to the 24 to recycle the box instead.

  4. me too dee.dee has the best answer i think.

  5. You should still be cutting them up so that rings in no way form a ring of any nature. Then thy can be placed in the plastics container along with all the other stuff!

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