
How do you reduces soreness in the arms quickly?!?

by  |  earlier

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My arms are so unbelievably sore from hitting and practice on my JV team, it hurts to just lift them up, or open a jar. How do I quickly revleive sorness? My next practice is tonight at 6pm!!




  1. You should jog and stretch to get the lactic acid out. Most MLB pitchers are rquired to hit the tread mill or bike after pitching before they hit the showers

  2. Find someone for a massage, or simply ask one of your friends to move your arms in circular mode without you putting any effort into it (you have to relax on your muscles).

  3. Well stretching is a major thing you have to do, do not just pull your arms across your chest really stretch them. Icy-Hot or Bio Freeze works great to heat up the sore area. and just waiting it out playing through it. The third day is the worst day for soreness but it gets better after that.  Just keep playing hard and once you start practicing again it should not bother you! Good Luck!

  4. id try stretching them out a lot. try icing it. bengay or icy hot would help too.

  5. I had a sore arm after every baseball game and practice I ever had. Try using Flex-all (spelling is off). Its a creme. Just put some on your arms when they get sore. It heats up and helps with the soreness.

  6. You might try to lightly work them out. The idea is to flush the lactic acid out of the tissue. Maybe some general aerobics would do it without stressing the arms further. Also, drink plenty of fluids. Go Team!

  7. Message and cold compress.  You should do this 5-6 hours before your next practice.

    Also, try hitting the ball closer to your wrists, as opposed to closer to your mid-arm/elbow.

  8. Next time stretch after practice it reduces soreness ...

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