
How do you refuse giving your phone number in a polite way?

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Recently, I met a new friend in the library around 50 years old? He acted as if he was having a lot of difficulties in one course and asked if it was okay if I could help him on his work and asked for my number. I tried saying politely I don't really like giving out my phone number and would prefer e-mails instead since it's easier to explain how to do the work. He complained about how the new generation teaches people things wrongly and that he has no intention for anything just to be friends and get help on his homework.So I gave in. It's only been about 3 days since and for those past three days, he's calling me like7 times each day with long voice messages about going out to dinner/ lunch/ etc (that does not sound like he needs help) Bad mistake anyways to prevent this from happening again, what's the best way to not give out your number?




  1. I would probably just lie and say that my phone is broken or having problems, so e-mail would be the better option right now. Sounds bad, but at least you wouldn't have to give it out and you won't hurt people's feelings.

  2. Do what I do, give out the wrong number. You can "accidentally" change the last number of your real number. Or you can say you don't own a cell phone. Or you could say "Let me take down your number instead" and just never call them.

  3. Although it may sound blunt, you just tell someone who asks that quickly for your phone number "I'm sorry, I don't give out my phone number." Don't explain, don't make excuses, just make the simple statement. It's your right to privacy, and no one other than where you work, or an important contact like your doctor has the right to expect you will give out any contact information at all.

    It sounds like you need to disconnect from this guy; I would change my phone number if possible and avoid him if he is bothering you.

  4. Just tell people it's unlisted....My sister does that whenever shopping and they ask for it when checking out.

  5. just say that you are really busy and that it would be easiest to contact you via email. and then give him your email address.. no harm done.  

  6. All you need do is simply say "I'm sorry, I do not give out my phone number.  Here is my email address"  Anyone who tries to intimidate or bully you into giving your number (as this jerk did) does NOT have good intentions.  

  7. Frankly, you have to lie. Tell them you lost your phone service temporarily and are waiting on a new phone number or something. Offer them your e-mail address instead, and if they start to act all creepy and stalkerish you can simply block them.

  8. "i'm sorry but i'm with my boyfriend most of the time, and he really does not like it when pple call me that he does not know, i'm sorry"

    "look i can't give out my number to anyone i dont know that well"

    "i'm saving up my minutes"

    "this is my work phone and if i use the minutes to often i get in trouble"

    "look i'm very sorry but i don't get alot of min's and i like to save what time i do have for my BF"


    *i like to say boyfriend even if u don't have one, make one up it's intimidating, it happend to me and i said "i'm always with my boyfriend, and mystery calls might not go so well with him, i don't wanna risk what i have with him...." and he was all like what does he look like?  i did not have one so i made him up lol he was a metalhead who likes to play mosh pit with creeps who bothered me :P

  9. Wonderer has the perfect answer, follow that.

    Anyone who keeps badgering you is trouble, you have just learned how to spot it; so lesson learned well.

    Now, you need to get rid of the jerk.  Call him and tell him he broke the contract with you that he call only for help on his homework, and that you don't want him to call again.  If he does call again, report him to the phone company as a harasser and get him blocked from your phone.

    You don't have to put up with his bad behavior.  Take care of yourself, now and in the future.

  10. Well if you tried saying that you're not giving out your number politely then the only thing left to do is is to just say no. Just say no then walk away. There's nothing else you can do.

  11. This guy sounds like a perv. Tell him to please leave you alone and if he does not tell him that you will call the police on him for harassment.

    Now on the part of being polite to people, you can just easily say, I do not give my number to people I do not know, I am sorry, but if you like give me your number. If your not interested in the number toss it.

  12. To keep from giving it out in the future:


    My favorites:

    My boyfriend just got out of jail and doesn't like sharing me.

    My mother is terminally ill and can't be bothered with a ringing phone.

    My autistic son freaks when he hears it ring.


    To get him to quit now that he has it:

    ~Be mean.

    ~Get to class early and play the messages for everyone.  Make fun of him and have everyone laughing when he gets there.

    ~Play the messages for the cops and file a stalker report.  Have him served with papers.

    ~If you have large, male friends.  Have them clue the old timer in to your feelings.

    ~Clue him in yourself.  Don't be nice.  Tell him in no uncertain terms: "I'm not interested in you.  LEAVE ME ALONE.  Get someone else to help you with homework".  If you're too scared to do it in person, simply record it on your outgoing message on the number he has.  Be rude and mean.

    DO NOT!!!


    If he's becoming a nuisance, have nothing else to do with him.

    Cut him off completely.  Don't even look in his direction.

  13. You have to be broken record.

    You say, "'I don't feel comfortable giving out  my number, I prefer to communicate via e mail"

    He complains

    You say, "'I don't feel comfortable giving out  my number, I prefer to communicate via e mail"

    He explains that he only wants to be friends

    You say, "'I don't feel comfortable giving out  my number, I prefer to communicate via e mail"

    He comes up with another objection.

    You say, "'I don't feel comfortable giving out  my number, I prefer to communicate via e mail"

    Do not try to rationalize, spar, or prolong the conversation by taking the bait.

    Every time You just say, "'I don't feel comfortable giving out  my number, I prefer to communicate via e mail"

    You can even smile warmly as you say it.

    If he doesn't give up, at some point you may have to say,  " Well, I guess that I cant be of any help to you,  Good luck to you ! "

    Smile and walk away.

    You can practice in other situations,  And good luck to YOU (:

  14. Just be firm.  Write your e-mail on a piece of paper and give that to the person.  If they still insist, then lie and say you share the phone with a family member/can only make outgoing calls/phone service was cancelled and so on.  But try being firm first.  Your privacy is important and you shouldn't have to compromise it.

  15. - I'm Amish.

    - I share an apartment with my recently-paroled super-jealous boyfriend.

    - Doctors don't allow me to use the phone because I've been diagnosed with ear cancer.

    - I have different phone numbers depending on which personality you want to reach.

    - I'm not sure if there is a phone at St. Mary's Nunnery.

    - Sorry, we only communicate by telepathy on the spacecraft that I inhabit.

    - I'm quite sure that I'm the target of a vast government conspiracy and I don't dare speak on an unsecured line.

    - If I told you, I'd have to kill you.  Ninja code.

    - Rotten luck, commoners aren't allowed to ring me.

    - I have to keep my line free in case my appendix transplant comes through.

    - At least twelve of my cats get all meow-y when the phone rings.

    - What?  WHAT?!? I think I'm going deaf in both ears.  <<Walk away>>

  16. Be honest and say I would rather not.  If that doesn't work then just stand your ground and say no.  I have had problems with creeps in the past and would rather use email.

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