
How do you regain the attention of students whos attention to the lesson has wondered off?

by Guest58558  |  earlier

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Age range of students 4-7 years




  1. for that age group, I would suggest   re focusing them by  taking a few minute break  ( IE stretch break, water break) and then starting back at what you are doing.... its like hitting the reset button.  Talking louder or simply  calling attention to their lack of interest is not going to work I suggest  saying okay  time to stretch guys I see you have lost interest and then put them back on task.  if its one child calling him back in to task will work if its several its stretch time....

  2. well you can make your lessons into a game , all kids like games or you also can put Different lessons into songs kids also like music, i know at that age you must keep thier attention by not boring them , not that i am saying you are boring , but kids do bore  very fast unless it is something that they really like. Well Good Luck with what ever you pick to do with your students.

  3. Try to make the lesson more interesting. For example, incorporate a game into the lesson or make it more relatable. Instead of talking monotone, use expression in your voice. Also, get the kids involved. Ask questions and maybe give them a special treat to encourage more participation.

  4. Throw an eraser at his head

  5. YOu should use hands on examples. young chldren lke doing things and being involved. watch a movie that refers to the lesson.

  6. You could have a "stretching break"  get everyone to stand up, touch their toes, reach for the ceiling, do jumping jacks (this is really cute when little kids try it) and run on the spot.  

    It could just be that he needs a little wiggle time.

  7. watch "the girl next door" it will explain it all

  8. ask them to recite...

    or start the lesson with a game related to the lesson and/or an ice breaker...

  9. I am presuming you are a teacher. I am also presuming you mean the class as a whole. You have to remember their developmental level when teaching. Plan activities that keep them moving! Limit your time that you talk and they have to sit and listen. Learning about butterflies works best if they EXPERIENCE the process!

    Talk to your other teacher coworkers find out what they suggest - read the literature available on good teaching techniques.

    Ask your principal to come observe you and give you tips!

    You know what you are doing is NOT working - so definitely change it!!

  10. talk louder or make learning more fun

    children get bored just like we do. just give a new jump start to learning.

  11. well if u want them to listen do something exiciting or something u have never done before to make them back into the lesson

  12. Change your tone of voice and ask a question to engage those students.  I usually say, "I wonder if...anyone knows (question)?"  Pause to let the students who ARE paying attention think, and those students who aren't listening will look to see why it's gotten quiet.  Letting them give their input helps make them part of the lesson and helps them stay engaged and interested.

  13. if it just one student then you know it is just that particular child, but if several of the students seem to wondering off you may want to rethink in how your are presenting the lesson. make it more exciting and fun. Also a good way is to take a quick break. Have the kids get up and stretch, jump around, play a 5 minute game to get them moving and maybe get them back into the lesson. Also if they will allow you to do a lesson outside on the grass that works well too. I remember we would go outside and do some of our work. It really helped to get some fresh air and clear our heads. I think sometimes they forget that children's attention span is only so long. They have to sit for long hours with few breaks in some schools. Make it fun by breaking it up a little, more hands on activities during the lessons.

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