
How do you reinvent yourself when your field suddenly dries up or your business goes under?

by Guest55855  |  earlier

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Like the real estate field.....

When you don't know how to do anything else?




  1. What To Do When Your Business Fails

    Failure, as in any other aspect

    of life, happens to small

    businesses. Pointing the blame

    finger, helps no one, is fruitless.

    More importantly, push away your

    hurt feelings. Take solace in, the

    fact that, your best efforts were


    Take a few weeks to see

    where your skills best fit.

    Also, it allows you to come

    back refreshed.  

    Re-join the work force.

    Or, start a new business.

  2. You only "fail" when you fall down,

    And "don't" get right back up.

    You have your office and computer skills.

    Many people don't.

    You have the experience of dealing with many people.

    Many people don't.

    You already have a stepping stone for your next  job up.

    Many people don't.

    You are good at public relations.

    Many people are not.

    You are in the field to have many contacts.

    Many people don't.

    You have the skills to reinvent and reinvest.

    With money saved, you can go back to school.

    This list is just a "start," that you can build on.

    On your way back up. Do not give up. You can do this.

    Need I go on! <}:-})

  3. You know, I can hear the disappointment and concern in your words here....

    From my own personal experience, I have found time and time again, that when one area I was working in either ended or I ended it because I wanted something more or different, that the power in the situation was in how I felt about the change...

    If I felt excited which also comes with a little bit of fear of the unknown then I looked at the change as an entirely new chapter in my life unfolding and thats an undescribable feeling....

    Also something I have always done, which you may find helpful too is to really do some soul-searching in the next days and weeks to come... Really ask yourself the questions like "If I could do ANYTHING or be ANYTHING in the world, what would it be?" And you may find that you come up with several answers here so be gentle with yourself and know that no matter what the answer is that comes back, ANYTHING is possible if you can Dream, Believe and be willing to work hard for it and put your due diligence in....

    I hope any of this is helpful to you and as long as you never stop believing in the uniqueness of yourself then the sky is thse limit.... And also, whenever one door does close as another poster has written here, another opens you just have to have your mind, eyes and heart open to see it.......


  4. You move on to the next chapter in your life. If you read the stories of most successful millionaires they have filed BK several times before reaching success. I am a perfect example, I have owned and operated my own companies since the age of 17, I was able to retire at the age of 50 a very wealthy man but hit rock bottom several times along the way. One of my lows was real estate, you don't even pick up the pieces, just leave them behind and move on. I am always available to answer your questions and help in anyway I can.

    I love to mentor people, I myself have started in a complete 180 from what I did before, you can do it also.

  5. What's your definition of "failure"?

    You know, every time a door closes another opens.

    There are lots of ordinary, every day people who are profiting from the real estate crisis.

    Those houses and properties that are being foreclosed are sometimes sold to the public at government auctions.  The banks would like to get some of their money back so they sell them at whatever prices they can.. sometimes for VERY LOW prices.. up to 90 % off their actual worth!  Any money the bank can get back, they'll take it.

    So people who wouldn't ordinarily be able to afford good homes now can.. and some people resell the homes afterwards for three times as much as they paid for them.  


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