
How do you relax yourself after a traumatic experience? ?

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I was in a a Car crash back in April, and ever since then every time i've been in a car i get paranoid. For example if i feel like I'm too close to another car, i gasp and have these mini panic attacks. It's been getting worse and worse. Now i just don't know what do. I feel like i need to close my eyes every time i'm riding in a car.

What can i do to stop this or relax when I freak?




  1. step-by-step

    maybe distracting yourself when youre in the car and being in it with people you are comfortable with so that you dont think or worse, focus on being in a car?

    whenever something traumatic happened to me, its always taken time, some trust (which took time to build again) and taking things one at a time..

    good luck!

  2. Sorry to hear about the accident.  

    That sucks that you have to keep reliving that uncomfortable feeling.  

    Is it possible to take an inventory of how you are feeling before you get in a car to go somewhere?

    Just take a few moments to note the thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing.  Is your heart racing, are you telling yourself about the worst possible thing that could happen?  Just observe how you are responding and try and sit with whatever you are feeling no matter how uncomfortable it may be.  

    It sounds like you are having some PTSD symptoms; it takes 6 months to get the diagnosis (and I'm by no means diagnosing).  

    If it becomes unbearable and starts to impact your life (you avoiding going places because you don't want to ride in car) seek professional help.  

    Take Care

  3. Go online and look at statistics about car accidents compared to how many deaths occur, and how much safer vehicles are today.

    Understand that few result in death, although it is a major problem, and that you must function through the problem if you are to survive in today's society.

    Hopefully, educating yourself about the issue will let you relax knowing that you may have had a close call but stand a small chance of getting into another daily.

  4. breathing techniques.  relaxation techniques

  5. To be honest, you might just have to realize that you're not a jinx. You riding in a vehicle will not make for disaster.

    I was in a car accident once, and yes, it was a little traumatic to drive again after that...eventually, the feeling goes away but in your case, if they seem to be intensifying, I'd seek some professional help. Even just talking to a counselor can make for a relaxing experiences, and they can certainly give you tips for calming yourself down in certain situations.

    Unfortunately, cars are everywhere, and they're needed to get from point A to point B, so facing your fears won't be an issue. I'm currently studying Psychology (3rd year), so I'm not a doctor...yet. But like I said; try to do some self-relaxation methods. If they all seem to be lacking, a professional may be needed.

    Good luck. ;]

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