
How do you remember pricess diana as?

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ex good

my role model







  1. I remember her as being a well-mannered woman it seemed; very happy, smiley, and looked like she was the kindness woman.

  2. I remember her as having the common touch;she was able to reach out to ordinary people. She was caring;her charities mostly dealt with the sick,the injured, the troubled,the disabled.Diana worked with these people,sometimes getting personally involved with some of them,visiting them at their homes.

  3. i agree with all of them

  4. she is gift all the children in Europe.

    she is kind hearted

    she care others.

    but she in not good wife.

  5. I think she was selected specifically for her good breeding, and on her ability to breed well.

    She had the proper bloodline and looks to give birth to an heir to the throne. To her credit, she gave birth to 2 male heirs. The Queen and Prince couldn't have been happier. That accomplished, Charles cut her loose and got back to his real love, Camilia.

    That being said, she deserved better and may have found it just before she died.

  6. A shy timid girl, who turned into a beautiful loving spirit of healing and helping less fortunate.  A loving mother and a used piece of breeding stock by the royals. Camillia is a horse, so what person in their right mind would want to have children with her, but Diana should not have been used in the fashion she was.  If Diana turned sour it is only because she was so used by others.

  7. As a publicity seeking slapper.

  8. humanitarian....she did a lot of good for those land mines and stuff

  9. pardon me while I show my buttocks a bit...

    I remember Diana as the chick with the Roman nose and the 80's haircut who was well enough off to get in the Royal family but not smart enough to insist on a sober driver for her nobilness.  A perfect example of what happens to great people when they have too much money and access.

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