
How do you remove a little snake?

by Guest65221  |  earlier

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I just was doing the laundry in my basement of my rental house and saw this little snake moving around. It was so freaky and I wanted to run. It was sticking out its tongue and everything! What should I do with it? I think its a garden snake, sure can't be a rattle snake cause its too small.




  1. The best way is to pick it up with a stick and put it into a pillowcase, then tie the end of the pillowcase in a knot, making sure the snake's head isn't in it.  Later, release it into a large park where there isn't a lot of human traffic.  Garter snake sounds like a good bet as to what it is, and I have just picked them up with my bare hands in the wild.  If you lived close I would just get it for you.  My father and I used to do volunteer work capturing snakes out of homes for the humane society.  With a garter snake, the worst you would have to worry about is it making a stink, they are known to excrete a musky smell when disturbed.

  2. The mouse trap section of most hardware stores will have sticky mouse traps. Put one of those down in your basement and hope you catch the snake, then just release it outside. I assume you don't want to kill it.

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