
How do you remove a palatal expander thats cemented in?

by  |  earlier

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I'm wondering how the orthodontist does it? and is it possible to take it out yourself? and i don't want to hear, "no never remove it yourself" just tell me how i would do it please.




  1. monique is right. if you try to get that off yourself you'll be in a way worse position then if you just kept it on

  2. You don't. sorry, its the truth. And y'all cant blame me for speaking the truth.

  3. The dentist has a special plyers that can squeeze and remove it without damaging your teeth,  and you do not have that pliers,  which is why it's best to let him do it.    It would also hurt much more if you tried to do it without the special pliers.

    He also has the special instrument to remove all the cement that will be left on your teeth once the expander is gone,  and you wouldn't have that cleaner either.

  4. It could be dangerous to remove it without the proper tools. You could break teeth. Not a wise idea. Sorry, but can't recommend doing this on your own.

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