
How do you remove all the underarm hair with home waxing kit?

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I just tried my first home waxing kit to remove underarm hair and it didn't go so well! I followed the instructions, which included directions to do the lower and upper half of the armpit separately because of the size of the wax strip, and to not go over the same spot twice. Once I finished ripping the strips off a lot of hair was left over! Any tips on what I can do next time to make sure all the hair gets removed instead of leaving little sections? I'll probably have to shave in a few days and try again in a few weeks.

Thanks in advance!




  1. y do you wax you should just shave.

  2. Always start with hair that is at least 1/4 inch long. Which is about three to four days. Make sure you apply wax in the direction of the hair growth and pull against the growth. Make sure that you aren't using too much wax, wax that is too warm or too little wax. Also pull the skin as taute as you can. If you are waxing yourself, best to reach your arm back not up, to keep the skin taute as possible. You should come out hairless or just a few strays that you can get with a pair of tweezers. It take's practice, but if you keep at it, you'll be a pro in no time.

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