
How do you remove baked milk from car paintwork? nothing seens to work? suggestions will be received gratefuly

by  |  earlier

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A few days ago i came to my car and found it to have milk sprayed all over the driver side and roof!!! unfortunately it was a really hot day and so it had already baked on before i has the chance to remove it. i have tried moisturising it with vaseline, car shampoo, car polish, white vinegar nothing seem to work. please help




  1. First of all, this should be easy.  You should not have to get it refinished.  The only damage (depending how long it has been absorbing) will be in the first few mils of the clear coat.  

    Start out using a medium to fine cut rubbing compound as this will condition the clearcoat and take off hardly a mil.  Using a buffer would be best with a foam pad, although you can try by hand and a soft terry cloth.  After using the compound use a finishing glaze to bring back the shine of the clear coat.

    If that doesn't work, you may want to try wet sanding the infected areas with 1500-2000 grit sandpaper, as this will do what the compound does, only a little more agressive.  Doing this wil make the finish look chalky, so after doing so, you will want to follow the rubbing compound steps I sated above.  This should definitely bring your clearcoat back to a nice shiny finish.

    P.S.  I think the only thing you'd accomplish by using the wet towel soaking idea, is loss of dignity and time wasted. You might as well powder your butt and sit on your car with that kind of advice.

  2. Are you sure it is Milk and Milk only?  Take the car to a car wash and ask for assistance.

    I wish you luck.


  3. If its damaged the clear coat theres not much you can do -- It will have to be refinsihed....   On the other hand heres how I get baked on stuff off....  Take a wet cloth and lay it flat on the roof perfectly matted down ---- Of course do this in the shade.... every now and then keep it wetted down with a spray from the hose. The idea it to keep it wet.... Even overnight if possible.... Before you got to bed just wet it a little more and lay a flat piece of plastic down over the wetted cloth to prevent it from evaporating.... In the morning remove the cloth and see if it will wash of then...... If it doesnt then off to the paint shop you go...... The idea is to be patient and let the water soften it up.....

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