
How do you remove excess spray paint?

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So i decided to spraypaint this ugly wood rack i got from Costco. Most of it looks pretty good, but it was my first time using spray paint so it kinda got gloopy in some places cause i was too close...I tried removing some of it with a wet paper towel while it was still wet (yes i know i'm an idiot), and i just managed to s***w it up, so while everywhere else is a smooth gloss, there's a little patch of "dabbed" paint. HOW DO I FIX THIS??? So that the whole thing has a nice smooth uniform finish?




  1. Use a liquid paint remover, or some paint thinner, to remove, and clean the paint in the "dabbed" area, and repaint it agian with spray paint.

  2. paint over it!

  3. You will have to try and sand it down some with some sand paper. A 220 grit should work fine .Just sand down alittle and top coat it agian .....just try to keep a distance when your spraying and also constantly move around with the can so you dont get runs.GL

  4. Use sand paper to smooth it out then repaint the area after you have made sure you have cleaned all of the dust off from where you sanded.

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