
How do you rent cheap cars in Rome Italy and find cheap accommodations for 3. We have 2 be there for 14 days?

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need help planning a 14 day tour of Italy for mother sister and I.

-need car rental from Rome to take to Amalfi and back.

-Accomodations in Rome 1 night, Naples 1 night, Capri 1 Night, Amalfi 3 nights, Florence 2 nights, Tuscany 2 nights, Venice 2 nights.

-Transportation (train) from Rome to Florance, Florance to Tuscany, Tuscany to Venice and then Venice back to Rome.

Help I am so screwed. Airfare is already booked and paid for can't turn back now.




  1. ????idk

  2. I highly recommend using the trains for transportation. Especially if you never drove in Italy before. There is nothing like it. There is always tons of road construction, lots of traffic, super confusing....if I had a nickel for every time I drove from Rome to Naples and got lost I would be a millionaire. And its only a couple of hours away. Rome to Amalfi is one h**l of a drive. Amalfi coast has tons of cliffs and can be quite nerve racking. Gas is also super expensive. The trains take you where you need to go.  It would be cost efficient, safer, and way easier on your life. Here is a link to the train schedules and locations.

    But if you are insistent on getting a car...Europa car is the way to go. They usually all speak English, have great insurance (please get), and are all over Italy. Here is the link...

    As for cheap accommodations...remember you get what you pay for. Whatever you pick make sure it is not off the beaten path. You want to be near public transportation because taking a Taxi everywhere and/or driving will cost you and arm and a leg.

    Good luck, have fun, and be safe.

  3. Hi, I just came back from a trip to Rome, Naples, and Capri, so maybe I could help you.

    For the car rental, you can reserve it from or

    You can purchase the train tickets from . You'd better to buy the ticket online than to buy it on the train station, and they actually offer some good deals for the online reservation. Travelling by train in Rome is pretty cheap, I only spent about 55euros from Rome - Naples (roundtrip). I really suggest you to travel with Eurostar train, although it's more expensive than the others, but the train is very clean, comfortable, and fast.

    For the accomodation, you can check out this site :, if you're lucky you can find some good deals and save your money.

    And don't forget, to go to Capri you should a buy ferry tickets from a place called Molo Beverello port in Naples. A one way ticket from Naples-Capri by hydrofoil costs about 14-16 euros and it takes 40-45 minutes to reach the island. Another thing for your consideration is hotels in Capri are too d**n expensive. I actually planned to spend a night in Capri, but I just can't afford it, it's really really expensive.

    Once you're in Naples, don't forget to visit the Mont Vesuvius. You can climb up and see the crater, and you'll see a very nice view of Naples and Amalfi coast from the top of the mountain. It's really worth visiting.

    If I were you, I probably would like to stay longer in Rome. I think it's impossible to stay only for a night since there are too many things to see in Rome. A day it's not enough, it takes more than an hour to get inside the Colosseum, and once you're inside, you just can't get out in 2 hours. My family and I spent 5 hours and half in the Colosseum and Roman Forum.

    Anyway, I hope this helps. If you have another questions, you can contact me. Ciao!

  4. It should be easy to organize:

    1)Car rentals can be done online - here are some options

    2) Trains can also be booked easily - check out

    3) Hotels are also easily done online - this is a good place to start

    Don't panic it is all easy to do - one hour online and you will be fine

  5. I would go with Eurocar to rent a car there website is i rent from them all the time and they are not that costly. Get at least a med to large size car because they are smaller than it the states. Also remember that they drive stick here and that is what they rent. It is really hard to find an automatic so if you need a auto good luck. Plus they have offices and drop-off sites all over if needed. For the hotel I use they have a lot of good hotels for cheap never had a problem with them. let me know if you need more help I live in italy and have been to all these places and have helped people plan there trip.

  6. Hello,

    This is a really ambitious plan for travel.  7 cities in 14 days won't leave a lot of time for sight seeing.  If I were you I would pare down the selection of cities to 3, maybe 4 to give yourself more time to look and less time on the train and checking in and out of hotels.  

    As for hotels, try to find inexpensive hotels in the major cities and areas of Italy.  I don't know what your budget is but they have hotels for every budget so you should be able to find something.  

    For transportation, you should take the train everywhere.  It is fast and cheap.  Check out for schedules and fares.  I would not rent a car in Italy but if you really have to most of the normal car companies rent there.  Just pick it up at the airport.  Be aware that you will not be able to drive in the city center of Rome.  You must have a special pass to do that.  If you are caught (they have cameras) you will be fined HUGE.  

    My suggestion for an itinerary would be to spend 4 days in Rome, 4 days in Amalfi, 1 day in Florence and 3 days in Venice.  This covers a lot of area and gives you a chance to relax and enjoy the sights.  Otherwise you will spend your whole vacation on the train, checking in and out of hotels and missing all the sights that make this country so wonderful.

    Good luck.

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