
How do you report a bad moderator?

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A new freecycle member posted items to give away, i was one of the many respondents. She had stated that she would not be abel to check her email for a while but would choose some one for the items. The moderator responded to her post prior to posting her post and because she did not get the items she sent her a nasty letter. Stating that this is a first come first serve basis, and she was wrong not to give her the items.




  1. First off... your email was just harvested because you responded to a bogus post.  Please forward it to your Freecycle Moderator so that they may report it.  I assure you, what she has written is comepletely fabricated and has caused quite a stir for the last week!!!

    The Sharon Baker email.  It's been distributed as far as Australia and has been dispelled. is working on this and has sent out ADMINs all over.  Moderator's are prohibited from responding before approving a message and we don't condone the first come, first serve theory.  Our ADMIN recently has been...

    It has been brought to my attention that someone using the name of

    Sharon Baker is sending emails to individuals belonging to Freecycle

    (TM) Groups that are confusing the members. These emails accuse the

    moderators of 'cherry picking' offers before they are posted. This

    practice is not and will not be practiced in any Freecycle group. Everyone gets the same opportunity to any post.

    If you should receive such an email...please forward it to me. The

    Freecycle people are working hard to stop this slander. This is being

    done by a new group that started in April 2008 in an effort to

    convince Freecycle members to use their program instead of Freecycle.

    Freecycle is now five (5) years old with five million (5,000,000)

    members world wide and growing by twenty-five thousand (25,000) daily.

    They never could have progressed this far if the practices of the

    moderators were stated in this erroneous email.


    The people that are doing this are just trying to get you to go to their spam group.  They are email harvesters and are known for spam.  There have been hundreds of emails regarding Sharon Baker, et al.

  2. I agree with Debbie & Angela!  Besides that, where is the original message from the mod?  No one can show it because it doesn't exsist!

  3. The "Sharon Baker" (no doubt a phony identity!) story appears to be nothing more than a slanderous/libelous spam attack probably being waged by an angry FORMER Freecycle member.  The same "person" joined Freecycle groups all across th US, lying about where "she" lives.  After being approved, "she" posted the SAME bogus-fake "offer" message everywhere.  When people replied to her fake "offer", each responder got the same emails alleging misconduct on the part of an FC moderator.  Each email made it sound like the mod ran that specific group, getting members all upset about what appears to be a total fabrication.  If the accusation was honest, they would be happy to provide the moderator's name, location & PROOF of the charges being made.  But no one is willing to do this!  We have tried to get this info, so we could investigate IF there is a problem, but no one will provide specifics!

    There WAS another NON-Freecycle Yahoo group that was dissolved because of constant spam complaints.  The person who started that former Yahoo group has now started a similar Google group & the same spam complaints have begun.  Interesting that this Google group just started recently & this FC smear campaign has been started by someone who IS connected with THAT group, by the group owner's OWN admission.  Vendetta against FC & Yahoo groups? Sure looks that way!

  4. This post is a fraud.  This is the spiel of a spammer who is making the rounds to harvest email addresses.

    Just like the person above me mentions.

  5. for one, the nasty e-mail wasn't directed towards you, so you'd have no proof to offer as a complaint. two, if this is a freecycle issue alone, you'd need to report it per freecycle, not yahoo (who wont do anything about it unless it violates their TOS, which it probably doesn't)

    I hear more complaints from disgruntle freecycle group members than I do of any other topic group.

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