
How do you report a pedophile? I've already let the Police know but they don't seem that interested in helping

by  |  earlier

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This man is 30 years old and meets girls as young as 13 on the internet. He "grooms" them and then ends up sleeping with them. I am afraid he will continue to do these disgusting things and nobody will be there to stop him.





  2. GO back to the police with as much proof as you can get, be very careful because if you accuse someone of this you can ruin their lives if they are innocent. IF you are 100% sure keep going to the police until they listen to you a paedophile is a low life and needs to be stopped, if he has done this to you speak to your mother she may yell and scream but she should be able to help. He is the one at fault not the children he is scum.

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