
How do you report an hit and run? And how is it classified as a hit and run?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering, cause a few moments ago my mom was hit by a car.

The driver did get out, only to yell some curses at my mom, and then got back into the car and drove away. The pedestrian light was flashing, and the driver was turning right when she hit my mom. Now, she wasn't hurt, but she's a little shaken by it.

Is that still classified as a hit-and-run? My mom was definately pushed by the car. Not enough for an injury. Should we report it?




  1. Unless both parties have settled that there is no damage and no injury, or have exchanged enough information to settle any damage, by mutual consent, neither party can leave the scene. If any one just left, the incident will be considered a hit and run.

    If there's no visible damage to your car, and your mom didn't get many details, it'll be reported as a suspected hit-and-run, and unless you have witnesses ready to sign affidavits, the police won't do anything about them.

    Sounds like there should be at least some scratches on your mom's car's back bumper though. Take photos immediately, outline any new scratches, and try to find some witnesses other than your mom. You need a witness to report hit and run.

  2. Hit and run is classified as leaving the scene of an accident. Your mum may not have been injured but she was definitely shaken up and this was definitely dangerous driving.Even if you are signalling left, it does not mean you blindly turn left without checking for pedestrians. Call the police and report him. Did she get his number and a good description of the car?

  3. Yes, you should report it.  The driver left the scene, and so, it's a hit and run.

    I'm glad your mom's ok.

    Edit:  You report it by calling the police and simply saying you wish to report a hit and run.

  4. yes you should report it. and you should also take your mom to the hospital. you don't know if she has internal injuries.  This is absolutely a hit and run.  The driver should be arrested

  5. Yes, you should report it immediately. Try to remember and give as many details of the driver who hit her as your mom can remember. A license plate number or model will definitely narrow it down, but it will be hard to find the guy.

  6. It depends on which state this happened in. But in general, no, it was not a hit-and-run because the motorist stopped and your mother was not injured.

  7. Yes, report it now and from the information that your mother got, that should be enough for the police to make an arrest and good luck to your mom as well.

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