
How do you report to a credit bureau when someone owes you money?

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i have a signed contract but customer does not want to pay for work completed. a nice link would be helpful.




  1. hmm...have the court sent him a notice.

    I doubt credit bureaus will help you achieve what you want.

    If you want to penalize him, hire a lawyer, get the court to do it for you.

  2. Unfortunately, individuals can not report debts to the CRA's.  Only licensed lending and financial institutes and contract members can do this (they all pay a fee for the privilege).

    Your best bet is to take the person to small claims court and do so before your state statue of limitations runs out.  Or you can turn it over to a collection agency. Here is a link to help locate one:

    Hope this answers your question

  3. First, write a big check for the fee to subscribe to the credit bureau.  These are not bulletin boards for you to slam people.  They are for profit businesses providing services to their subscribers.

    Sell it to a collection agency, who is probably a member.

  4. If for your work you accept payments by credit card and bill your customers directly through an accounting department, then the credit bureau you belong to should have information on what to do.

    However, you're probably more likely to recover your funds through small claims court, depending on the amount.  You would need to allege that the consumer used your services never intending to pay for them (so that the debt would not be dischargable if bankruptcy was filed).

  5. Hire a collections agency ( which may be more money and trouble then it is worth) or take him to small claim court and the judge will place an order against him for payment. You can call an attorney in you area or in many counties you can go to the court house and file small claims on your own. Best of luck.

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