
How do you reprogram old patterns of thinking? ?

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I seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. How can I change this? And if I am dealing with a possible addiction, is it necessary to get professional help?




  1. There are numerous ways to reprogram old patterns of thinking.  Using hypnosis is one excellent way of getting rid of bad habits.

    Now, when you're talking about addictions, you really have to get to the root of the addiction.  Is it physiological or psychological?  When did it start?  Why did you start the behavior in the first place?  Is the addiction threatening your relationships, health or life?  If they are, then yes, indeed you should seek professional help, whether it's with an addiction specialist, a group or your physician.  

    Again, hypnosis can be a great adjunct to other forms of professional help, as it can help you relax, discover new ways of coping, etc.  

  2. Making the same mistakes over and over again can be behavioral or cognitive. To change something (say a habit) you would need to change 1) Behavior 2) Cognitive patterns.

    With behavior you would need to change your pattern of actions. I am going to use the example of smoking cigg's. There is usually a pattern when people smoke (first thing in the morning, after eating, etc). If trying to change this you would need to change your behavior to smoking. Instead of lighting up right after a meal, immediately do something else, say take a walk and repeatedly do that after a meal to change that behavior.

    With cognitive changing (still using the example of smoking) you would need to change your thought patterns and the "old" way of thinking. With cigarettes instead of saying (which is quite a habit) "Gosh I need a cigg right now"; you could repeat "I do not need a cigg; it will take xx amount of days off of my life". It's like with negative self talk, you need to take it to positive self talk. Both behavior and cognitive changing will work, but you still need to be mindful and consciously aware and want to change the action. It will not happen overnight, but with time you will start to progress to your goal.

    With a possible addiction. I am not sure what the addiction is referring to (alcohol, drugs, s*x, etc), but it is also the same. Behavior and Cognitive, only with an addiction it can be more complex. Say with a drug it would also have the aspect of psychological and physical addiction. It depends if it is necessary to get help. The answer would depend upon what is the addiction, how long as the addiction been taking place, to what extent has the addiction negatively affect your life, what frame of mind emotionally and mentally you are in. Are we dealing with a physical addiction as well (example is heroin; your body goes through severe physical withdrawals)? Do you have support and are you in the right frame of mind to take on the task of cutting the habit? It is not bad if you do need to get professional help. Does not mean you are any less of a person, just means that you need that extra help to get yourself back on track.

    P.S. Just to show you have difficult addictions can be- I smoke cigarettes. I know exactly what I need to do to stop and the processes that take place. I know how negative it is and I do want to quit, but I have not yet reached that peak in quitting. When I go to quit (within the next 2 months hopefully) I will use the assistance cessation program with aids (nicotine patches) and if it gets to the point I cannot quit by myself I will make an appointment to get additional help through my Doctor.

  3. Utter shock! Seriously; a traumatic episode, however one in which you can survive, and even grow stronger as a result of the dilemma will change your world view, or at least reform it. Moving to a strange place also has the same effect BTW.  

  4. If you are dealing with an addiction, I think that trying to face it alone is really silly. You don't need to. You may find the most help in a 12-step support group -- and you'd be surprised at how many people are *just like you* and are struggling with essentially the same things.

    Don't be hard on yourself, and remember: Progress not Perfection, One day at a Time, and you have to Act your way into Right Thinking. :)

    Take a look at the "patterns of addiction" or "codependency" and see if any of them apply to you. Remember, not all of them will. Nobody is all bad! And all of these things can be changed. There is a lot of hope.

  5. to change old patters of thinking, change your patterns of doing like change the way to school/office every day.

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