
How do you resolve disputes & arguments......?

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1..with acquaintences

2..with family..

3..with friends..

4..with neighbours..

5..with workmates or schooolfriends..

6..with shopkeepers

7..with yahoo contacts

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  1. 1..with acquaintences...tell them to shtup lol

    2..with family..flounce out of the room dramatically LOL

    3..with about it properly

    4..with neighbours..our family is quite severely antisocial...we dont even talk to our neighbours let alone fight with them...theyre really nice anyway..cute french people!

    5..with workmates or it out

    6..with shopkeepers...ive never had one, but my mum has had loooads and she gos back and argues for half an hour until she gets her money back lol

    7..with yahoo contacts..keep arguing and getting my point across

  2. It's acquaintances, with an "a", I'm just sick and tired of answering questions with misspellings.

    had enough !!

    Until you learn english, I'm just not answering your questions anymore!! Goodbye sir.

  3. I have only ONE answer that applies to ALL 7 of your situations:


    To resolve conflict. . .people in disagreement have to, at least, be on the "same page" as the other person.  In the end, after all the communication has been exchanged with thoughts and feelings, you sometimes just have to "agree to disagree", right?!

  4. 1.Avoid.







  5. With the help of a mediator. Check out the web pages of Association for Conflict Resolution, or the National Association of Community Mediators, or .

    Mediation is the voluntary participation of two ore more parties in conflict in a mediation session. The discussion is facilitated by the mediator. There should be no coercion in mediation, any agreement made should be through the self-determination of the parties. If any decision is imposed, it it not truly mediation and should be called something else.

  6. I agree with Webby (whatever it is on her mind, she is always right and you are always wrong get on your hands and knees and start begging for forgiveness)

  7. I always wait until everybody is calm down and then try to solve the problem, because when people are mad, and start arguments they say things that they don't really mean it.

  8. WIth all of the 7 I will try to understand their opinion and try to tell them my opinion, and if we can't find anything common, or we don't want to get closer or even respect each other, then I start to stop this arguments, sometimes there are people who just want to listen to themselves. and can't understand that maybe they are wrong and the others is right.

    In all cases , I'm a peace man, I don't like to make the arguments reach a fight.

    But anyway I will try to just add more in each one.

    1..with acquaintances

    I will tell them you are right, even if they are wrong, but I will then give them a hint to show them my opinion.

    2..with family..

    lol, Try to be as much clear as I can, and after few minutes, I will keep silent, and leave them to decide.

    3..with friends..

    Talk with them as I want and will not let it go unless I'm wrong about it.

    4..with neighbors..

    Peace please.

    5..with workmates or schooolfriends..

    Talk Talk Talk, We want to the time to run quickly :P

    6..with shopkeepers

    Talk with different tone, and change my look, and try to explain my opinion again,

    7..with yahoo contacts

    I just want to be with them, so I will only be happy to be together, also for older friends from here, sometimes I will stay silent even if i think he/she is wrong, for respect.

    lol @ webby :D

  9. I usually START arguments that sometimes lead to fights ...

    1..with acquaintences >> Try to make them see the truth (The truth is what I say) ..

    2..with family.. >> I'm a teen Aussie !! Just tell them to wait till I grow up (Since my family likes to say grow up a lot .. don't know why!)

    3..with friends.. >> With love and showing how I care about them ..

    4..with neighbours.. >> s***w neighbors !!

    5..with workmates or schooolfriends.. >> Fighting ...

    6..with shopkeepers >> By "I'm right .. You're wrong .. Any questions?!)

    7..with yahoo contact >> Never been there :p

  10. 1..with acquaintences

    i have never fought with an aquiantance before

    2..with family..

    usually everything goes back to normal on its own, el daam 3omro ma biseer maayeh

    3..with friends..

    we just get over it

    4..with neighbours..

    never fought with them

    5..with workmates or schooolfriends..

    never fought with them

    6..with shopkeepers

    i leave the store

    7..with yahoo contacts

    i seem to be always fighting with them lol cuz they misunderstand me alot, i guess i seem ruder and angrier and more obnoxious online, cuz in person im so d**n quiet and shy its weird.

    i just apologize even if it wasnt even my fault, or i just block and ignore him

  11. I don't, I try to just forget about them and move on with my life with those people; if it is something serious that will happen again, with everyone, I talk, we got to discuss it

  12. with all people, i try to put myself in their shoes to see where they are coming from and understand their side. Then I state patiently why i am upset or angry. I hope that the other side does the same and we can make ammends. If not i leave it alone, perhaps on another day they will come around. Cheers!

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