
How do you respond to name calling in politics?

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Try to answer this without first going to my profile to see which party I may lean toward.

Anyway, a serious pet peeve of mine is this:

When a person or many persons I have come across say that so and so (a political person) has an IQ of like 5 or 10 or whatever.

Point is, don't you think they usually say these things when they simply don't agree with that politician's beliefs and actually lack facts?

Or calling someone Elephant ears or older than dirt, etc....

It seems shallow to me, utterly malicious and usually false.

And often times, those who do the IQ name calling often have lower IQ's then the so and so politician he/she was degrading.

Just wondering if any of you have experienced this. Thanks!




  1. There are a few different schools of thought. You can defend the politician, you can take the high road and denounce the type of criticism, or you can respond in kind and stoop to the same level. While everyone agrees that the last option is the worst one for the country, it is also sadly the most effective, and so that's what politicians usually do.

    That's not to say that some politicians aren't simply dumb. The current president is quite stupid. I tend merely to laugh at his stupid comments (like Dan Quayle), it's when his stupidity affects his policies that I criticize and lament.

  2. ...right or wrong, good or bad, I want to know whatever happened to showing some RESPECT to people in office/power? My mother-in-law said that we don`t show him respect because he (Bush) proved to be stupid.

    This is STILL the PRESIDENT of the USA!

    EX: If say, my mother is an idiot, she is still my mother and I should respect her! I might not agree with her, but there should still be a level of respect!

    It`s like the entire world has just lost all morals.

    I hate election time, it really does bring out the worst in everyone!

    No matter who gets elected, you are still going to have those disrespectful, degrading, name calling 'Americans'.

  3. Politics brings the best out in people! I was  taught never discuss politics and religion two very conflicting topics. Yahoo allows people to speak their mind even if it's their worse and it feels good to release your hate or dislike for the other party good therapy!

  4. Try Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Words will never hurt me.

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