
How do you retrain a cat to use the litter box?

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When we first got our cat, he was already trained. He is now seven years old and all of a sudden he won't go in the litter box (he's pooping all over the basement) We tried adding cat nip in his litter box but that doesn't work.




  1. try ringing yr vet because for a 7 year old cat they shouldnt just forget to use the litter tray unless something is wrong a vet would be able to tell u much more than any of us could  

  2. whenever he acts lik he has to go to the bathroom put him in the litter box and reward him when he uses it iff u want to use somethng else theres this.. u can teach ur cats to use ur toilet:P it porb would work best if u only have 1 or 2 cats idk how well it works but u can read the ppl reviews

  3. When a cat changes his habits like this, it usually means that he is ill. He could have an irritation of the bowel, his glands may be impacted or he may have a urinary tract infection. Take him to the vet.  

  4. May have UTI or kidney infection take him to the vet asap

  5. your cat is mad about something. Is there a new person in the house? A new cat? Cat nip won't work, do you eat your food in the bathroom? How long have you had the litter box? If it is very old then your cat may not like it anymore.

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