
How do you rid of an old boomerang?

by Guest60865  |  earlier

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I've tried throwing it away but it keeps on coming back to me.




  1. ahh thats freaky.why dont u just throw it in the trash or donate it?

  2. lmao!!!! sry thats funny... aah um sry idk! lol! :)

  3. saw it into lots of different little pieces.. burn  them, put the ashes into lots of little earns and send each one of them to different locations.

  4. i ate mine. i think you can eat it too, with some sauce. It is very delicious

  5. I chuckled ;)

    But yeah if you want to get rid of it just go to a park or something and don't throw it, but leave it on the floor

  6. it keeps coming back to you?? wow.....okayyyy

    well...sell it on ebay.

  7. I have the same problem with my ex.

  8. burn it :o)

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