
How do you ride a bike without using your hands to steer?

by  |  earlier

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Could anybody tell me how to teach myself or give me a few tips? I would love to be able to do that. I looks really cool!




  1. first it takes a bike that is balanced with a headset that moves freely.  with no hands you balance and control the bike by shifting your weight very slightly.  a bike with a pitted headset or that doesnt track straight will not let you do it.  after that it is a matter of riding evenly and smoothly at a decent rate of speed, and just taking your hand away.  at first, keep your hands close in case you start to vere away, so you can right yourself.  in time you will get better and better.

  2. i think u should try accelerating(going faster every second) once you've reached a high speed don't be afraid going at the higher speed stabilizes the bike  plus u should practice, that's how i learned

    so u should start with your hand on the handle bars. then as u gain a little speed take your hand off and continue to accelerate until u hit a high speed then just cruise along and when u hit a corner your momentum keeps u up

  3. The first step is to grasp that the bike's momentum will make it want to travel forwards i.e. in the direction of least resistance even if you're riding with no hands so unless you make some sudden movement the bike isn't going to fall over when you take your hands off the handlebars. Give it a try for a few seconds and you'll soon find how easy it is to go in a straight line with no hands and once you've mastered that it's easy to learn how to turn the bike just by shifting your body weight.

  4. I can do that - ride no handed and around corners, took me lots of practise.

    First get confident riding one handed. Then do small stints on straights by taking your hand above the handle bars and catch it when you start to lean. Then learn to use your body weight to correct it when the bike leans to one side lean the other way slightly to correct it. Once you can go no handed on straights you'll soon be able to do corners by leaning to steer.

    I also find staying at a decent speed and leaning back helps. And don't try to practise to much when its windy as the wind makes it alot more difficult.

    Hope that helps!!

  5. It will be scary at first but just keep pedaling. I find that the faster i pedal the more balanced i am

  6. It takes a lot of practice.  It's best to start off on a non busy street or parking lot and it helps if where you are doing it is very smooth and flat.  It's all about keeping your weight evenly distributed and to not have any sudden movements where you might lose control of the bike.

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