
How do you run distance without hurting your knees?

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My knees always ache from playing soccer, but to get in shape for it I am starting cross country. What are the best surfaces or running shoes and that type of thing to run on to avoid wearing down my knees?




  1. i sometimes have the same problem with me! i figured out that it's either from not warming up enough or you could not taking long enough strides when running.

    warming up is really important because it helps prevent a lot of injuries.  when you run and you don't take long enough strides then your knees start to absord the pressure that your feet are supposed to get.  if neither one of those is the problem you might want to buy a new pair of running shoes.

  2. It's all about your shoes. Also, run on soft surfaces such as grass as much as possible.

  3. What sort of surface are you running on? it can really hurt your knees and ankles to run on cement or other hard surfaces when training for something like cross country, so make sure you're running on a track, dirt or grass. That'll make it easier on your knees.

    You also do want to remember to stretch before and take your time.

    Don't forget to also stretch afterwards and do a short "cool down" jog so your muscles don't cramp!

  4. Make sure you are running in the proper type of running shoe based on your foot type( staff at a running store will be able to help you).  Also you must get new shoes every 300-500 miles otherwise you are asking for injuries.  Keep track of your daily miles so you know when to get new shoes.

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