
How do you run faster?

by  |  earlier

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I'm really slow, and I have asthma.

I'm 15, 5'5", and 120 lbs.




  1. hi i am 14, 5'4" and 110 and i have asthma what i do is run in the summer with a running program my friend made and now after practice i will be on varsity next year. just run 20 to 30 minutes 3 times a week and 1 day over the weekend

  2. The only way to run faster is to run at a pace faster than you run now.  Do some sprints and long runs.

  3. Well you can't do anything about the asthma, but you should join your high school cross country team and they will help you a lot. Just keep practicing and push yourself, but not WAY too far. Also learn the right techniques on how to run. Ask your P.E. teacher, track coach, or any good runners. Try and get a friend or a sibling to practice running with and have fun with it. Good luck.

  4. i would run about five 200 meter sprints as fast as i could and take three min. breaks inbetween. i would also run about three 800 meter runs to buid up stamina. do this every other day. also do 100sit ups a day. it really isn't that much.

  5. i run cross country- and that built up my stamina. change ur eating habits to ones that consist of more protein but dont overeat. do "fartlegs" at first to warm up until you feel yourself getting stronger. Fartlegs is Run the straights and walk the curves. Over time you will feel yourself that u r getting better. alos, you might want light running shoes like ascics. I have those and i ran a 6:30 mile yesterday
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