
How do you safely remove rust from a horses bit?

by Guest64147  |  earlier

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I wanted to know if anyone knew of any no fail safe methods to remove rust from a horses bit. I would also be glad of any suggestions of prevention also.




  1. some bits don't rust if they do  put coke cola it will eat rust off

  2. try to use sandpaper

  3. Try using some steal wool, or a copper scratchy pad to get the rust off. I would not use any rust ease or any other sprays that would make the bit taste bad, or possibly be poisonous to your horse. To keep the rust off you can try putting some edible oil on it (vegetable, corn, peanut, sunflower...and many more).

           The only problem is you will probably have to re-apply the oil after each use, because the horse's saliva will take most of the oil off of the bit during use. If it gets too tedious to re-apply oil after every ride it may be a good idea to just go get a stainless steel bit that should not ever rust.

  4. steel wool, if your riding often i dont see any point in washing it after every use.

  5. i would suggest put coke or vinegar on it. i wouldn't have thought that bits rust :s. sorry if i have repeated any other answers.

  6. vinegar is about safest way to remove rust away of preventing rust is to always clean tack after each ride chore i know but has to be done if your not riding reg then coat yr bit in Vaseline cover with cling film so no air gets to it to get then when your ready to ride again wipe off Vaseline with dry cloth and wash bit in toothpaste solution my horse loves the taste give it a go nothing to lose i do it and my horse is great he soon opens his mouth for bit cause it minty fresh don't use strong toothpaste i use children's mild minty good luck

  7. Leave it! It tastes much better for the horse. Sweet Iron bits are MADE to rust because it gives the horse something to suck on, and supposedly the bit gets sweeter over time. It tastes a lot better than a piece of stainless steel in their mouths.

  8. Goodness, please get a bit out of stainless steel, neverrust, solid nickel, Korsteel, etc. If you absolutely must use the rusty bit, spray with Pam, use wire brush or steel wool, (rinsing w/Pam) and wipe excess w/ clean, dry cloth. Never leave wet or soiled. Wash after every use, and use the Pam to keep the metal from oxidizing. (Vinegar is acidic, and oxidizes w/metals and oxygen, your previous answers MTP.)

  9. i use steel wool bt most bitz r stainless anyway.

  10. Scrub with a pan scourer.

    Best prevention method is to wash it after every use.

  11. soak in vinegar.

    However if you are talking about the rust on the mouth part then they are supposed to rust.  Most horses like the taste and it will help them salivate to keep their mouth soft.

  12. vinegar is good and works on my bits but msot bits should be stainless steel. Now i wash my bits everytime im done using them then dry them with a cloth. 3minutes to wash your bit will help save $60 for a new one

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