
How do you sanitize sport equipment?

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i need a disinfectant spray for foam field hockey goalie equipment. i can't find any products other than to send the equipment out to a facility for sanitizing, which i can't do because it's not mine, it belongs to the school. any recommendations? (remember, has to be safe on foam) thanks =D




  1. I spray my roller derby gear (skates, pads and helmet liner) with antimicrobial Febreeze after every practice. I keep a bottle in my bag and spritz it all as soon as I take it off. None of my gear smells at all, which is shocking because we get really sweaty. Some girls in my league use a mix of alcohol and scented body spray. You can also use cheap vodka in a squirt bottle, which is a theatre trick to keep costumes smelling fresh between performances.

    Another option is to cut the toe off tube socks and wear them between you and your pads to absorb the sweat.

    It's also a good idea to keep your gear bag open so it can air out. Don't leave the bag in your trunk between practices or it will stink!!

    Good luck!

  2. my teacher used disinfected spray

    that you can get at walmart

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