
How do you save a lifeless friendship?

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When you run out of things to say...... And when it gets boring.




  1. having freindship is something based on understanding and if you run out of things to say then just amke him/her talk about their feelings . When you have freinds you only ahve them because you have a bond and you click

  2. depending on how strong the friendship is if its like ur best friend then it shouldn't matter but i found it helps if u go a day w/o talking me and my bff only get to see each other on the weekends and sometimes every other weekend and it may b a month be4 we see each other and the last dat we saw each other it may b like we don't have nothing to say then we go awhile not seeing each other and stuff then we cant stop talking so dat may work 4 u

  3. add life to it, it could be you.

  4. If the friendship gets boring, it seems like you guys will kind of seperate and grow apart from eachother.  To save it, try going bowling, miniture golfing, gossip, go to the mall and shop, go to the movies, grab a bite to eat, go to the beach. Good luck  

  5. you no the usal invite her over and go do something togeather that u both injoy ok and the  best thing is ask her if she will stay the night and it will be like a 2 person sleep over !!!!!! thats what i would do in your case good luck hope i helped

  6. You should get to know each other. true friends feels comfortable around each other. Find out about what is important in your friends life. Be there when he/she needs you. be loyal.

    Be fun to be around with!

  7. Spend a day together.

    Go shopping, or do something you both enjoy!

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