
How do you save money?

by Guest56043  |  earlier

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How do you save money?




  1. By spending less than you make.  

  2. i assign my income as soon as, or even before, it hits my bank account.  i write it down - rent, car payment, cell phone, utilities, credit cards.  and i assign to personal savings.    anything left is my allowance, which i watch carefully - look for bargains, consolidating errannds, avoid unnecessary items.  write down what you're spending money on, regardless of price. as lo was $1 to as high as $10000.  every expense.  overtime you'll see where your dollars are going and are able to assess which areas you  can spend less on.  

  3. Just open a savings account and treat it like a bill. Pay it every month or when ever you get paid. It's been working for me for over 35 years

  4. no easy way, as has been said, don't spend more than you make. It's that simple. The HARD part is actually doing it.

    i save a little by always rounding up when i write checks. Say i write a check for $25.25. When i enter it in my checkbook, i subtract $26 from my balance. I've just "saved" 75 cents. It's sorta painless. In writing about 20-25 checks a month i only "save" about $10-$15 a month--but over a coupla years it's a nice chunk. I also always pay (when i pay in cash) with dollars--even when i have change in my pocket. then at night, i empty my buck or two in change into a piggy bank. Again i only save a few bucks a week but again, it adds up. I also NEVER carry a balance on my credit cards so i avoid interest payments. When i go for walks in the neighborhood, i carry a plastic bag and pick up cans/bottles and turn them in--again, i get $20-$25 a month. Not a lot, but over time...

    And finally, about once a week i go to the local grade school and beat up the kids and take their milk money..........(okay, i don't really do this).

  5. it depends what u are saving for

    i save with shares i cant touch it 4 3 years and the money comes str8 out of my wages and shows on my payslip i don't even notice it going

    but for hols i save with holiday vouchers that way i cant spend the money lol all hol company's have gift vouchers try that and put them in a draw and watch them grow lol

    another way cld be if ya not in ya overdraft alot of banks now do save the change. which means everytime u buy sumthing with ur debit card say u buy sumthing for £1.50 they wld round it off to the nearest £1 so then 50p wld go into ur savings acc

    take care


  6. control your spending.  Put money in a bank in a high yield cd.

  7. I make sure I live within my means and don't overspend.  That allows me to save quite a bit....  Plus I like to see my account balance grow so I make sure I deposit money monthly
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