
How do you save seeds to plant the next year?

by Guest60412  |  earlier

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how do you save seeds from veggies to plant the following year? Do you just dry them out? And how do you get seeds from carrots?




  1. You can plant them inside for now or you can dry them. I good way to get them started is to wet a paper towel and fold it over them. They will start to sprout and then you can plant them in a pot.  

  2. Carrots won't produce seeds until they have been in the ground for a very long time - they will go to seed at the top.

    Generally, you wait until the vegetable has completely matured, that would be well past the point when you want to eat it.  Then you can clean the seeds, dry them and store in a dry place.  But many seeds will not produce the vegetable they came from because they were hybridized.   If you planted an heirloom variety plant, then you know it won't be a hybrid and should result in a true plant, unless there was cross-pollination in your garden between two varieties of the same species.

    Here is a good article about saving seeds:

  3. You can buy seeds from a gardening store and they usually come in little packets and you store them in a dark cold place with no sun so they cant grow. and if you have seeds with out a packet put them in a ziplock baggie and do the same thing.

  4. won't you just try to save some seeds

  5. Let vegetables ripen so that the seed is mature. Cut open and harvest seeds from cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Shell seedpods from beans and peas. Let all dry before storing.

    I have a bunch of old paper sleeves from diskettes - they make excellent envelopes for seed. Just label and seal.

    For carrots - you need to let the plant bloom and then collect seed when ripe.

    Hope this helps.

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