
How do you say'I never learned spanish'in spanish??

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I am trying to talk to my friends, but they are talking in dutsch and spanish.




  1. "no hablo espanol" means "I don't speak spanish"

  2. "Yo nunca aprendi Espanol".

    "Shut up! Both of you! I can only speak one diverse language" (literal)

    although I think you meant: "I can only speak one language at a time"

  3. I never learned spanish -> nunca aprendí (a hablar) español

    aprender = learn

    estudiar = study (1st person = estudié)

    in this case jamás doesn't work and in any case you should use a simple past (pretérito indefinido in Spanish)

    "SILENCIE A AMBOS USTED! ¡Puedo hablar solamente una lengua diversa!"  This s not correct (seems an italian talking in Spanish!it should be "silencio" for example!) but it means "shut up you two! I can speak only one different language!"

  4. jamás he aprendido espanol .

    the second phrase is like: shut up both of you.

  5. I never learned Spanish: "Nunca he aprendido español."

    ‘Silencie a ambos usted!’ has no real meaning because it’s formed incorrectly, but I’m guessing whoever wrote this was trying to say either ‘Silencio a ambos’ or ‘Calle a los dos (ambos), usted.’

    ‘Silencio a ambos’ sounds weird the way it’s written in Spanish, but if you translated it into English, it would sound reasonable: “Silence, both of you!”

    But that might not be what you’re looking for. If a comma was added to the sentence it’d change it dramatically. In that case it’d be “Calle a los dos (ambos), usted” meaning “Silence (quiet down) both of them, you.” That, too, sounds weird, though.

    The words in parenthesis can be substituted for the word before them, by the way.

    ‘Puedo hablar solamente una lengua diversa’ means: ‘I can only speak one diverse tongue (language).’ But I’m not sure most people refer to languages as diverse…

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