
How do you say it in french?!?

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Hey Candice u r very good at speaking italian! I miss you too very much and i hope to talk to you soon! i love you!




  1. I agree with Mingu!

  2. I have been studying French 6+ years and what Cool Kid said is more correct.

  3. Maya's asnwer is perfect, i'm coming too late! Maybe except the "i hope to talk to you soon" which would be "j'espère pouvoir te parler très bientôt"

    @Cool Kid : liar! the French you have written is bad! you're not French!!

    Edit, not only a liar but a cheater! you've changed your first answer!

  4. Dis donc Candice tu parles très bien italien! Tu me manques trop et j'espère avoir de tes nouvelles très vite! Je t'adore!

  5. putim accented m

    pronounced pu-torm harldy say the m and the t is the main part of the word

    should just about cover the first part of the sentence cant help u with th rest sorry

  6. I love you too! Call me!

  7. Salut Candice, tu parles tres bien italien! Tu me manques beaucoup et j'espere que nous parlerons bientot! Je t'adore!

    note: If it's a friend say 'Je t'adore' at the end but if it's like romantic say 'Je t'aime'

  8. Not a questions but thanks for the points!

  9. Salut Candice, tu es tres forte en italienne! Je te manque beacoup! J'espere que je te parlerai bientot! Je t'aime!

    There are some accents missing but you get the idea!

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