
How do you say no to a girl?

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i am copy pasting what i ask in my previous Q with some other details

so sometimes durring break [recess w/e you call it] a girl who has a crush on me asks if i could bring her to a fastfood rest. nearby.

however i have a girlfriend and don't want anything to happen with this girl.i have no feellings for her so that is a +.

if i say no she will keep begging untill i say yes,

new things

1-i don't know how to say recess for high school ,break,pause w/e english is not my first language

2-my gf knows about her and want me to keep away from her and i don't want her to misunderstand

3-the girl won't admit she has a crush on me so i say that to her she will make me feel embarressed and will think that i have a crush on her




  1. tell her you have a girlfriend and she won't like it. If she doesn't respect your decision, then that is her problem. But by you telling her that means you don't want to get in trouble and you put your girlfriend first. If this girl gets upset, at least you are honest and that will make you feel better if you just say how you think or feel.

  2. Tell her that you can't hang out with her because you have a girlfriend. If she doesn't get that then she really likes you. I suggest just tell her that you can't hang out with her. Your English is fine by the way. Good Luck.

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