
How do you say "Im doing fine, thank you" in Greece?

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a friend said "kalimera tikanis" and i dont know what to say in response




  1. ime kala, efharisto

  2. I would say:

    mia xaraaa euxaristw ki esu ti kaneis?

  3. kalimera ke sena , kala ime efkaristo

  4. Kalimera ti kanis means goodmorning ,how are you?

    so you can answer:

    kalimera ke sena,kala ime efxaristo

    (good mornign to you ,too.I am fine,thank you)

  5. "Kalimera tikanis" - This means, Good Morning, how are you?

    An answer is- "Eima Kala efharisto" - this means, I am good, thank you.

    And then its polite to say " Eise ti kanis" - meaning, how are you... or what are you up to

  6. IT is alwasy polite to answer back in the Plethindikos.(formal) dosent matter how old or what position in life some one has gives you character and you would answer back..KALIMERA ,SAS,  KYRIE(MR) KYRIA(MRS) EMITHA (I AM ),POLI ,KALA,.SIMERA,(TODAY).ESIS.?(YOURSELF) ,EFXOUME,(I HOPE) NA,IESTE,(TO BE)KALA, KAI ESIS...KYRIA or KYRIE.... that is the formal and polite way of saying good moring..OR just simply (poli kala emai simera..) not feeling so good you can say DEN,ESTANOUMAI ,TOSO, KALA, SIMERA,(I AM NOT,FEELING,THAT WELL TODAY.. THE WORD ..ADIATHITOS(M) or ADIATHATI(F)..means INCAPABLE.....hope this helped

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