
How do you say "Venus" in Arabic? and where does the arabic version of the word originate from?

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I'm talking about the planet Venus, not the roman goddess.




  1. we call it Azzahra, it means the flower, but we don't call it Astarte (in arabic: 'Ishtar) Akkad and ugarite languages are very close to arabic, and these people became arabs and brought their influence

  2. We call it Al Zuhra. This name originates from the color it takes ( dark pink ) when it appears in some of the mornings.

  3. I don't know if you can translate that into Arabic since "Venus" is a Roman name of a goddess, not something like a common familiar object which could have different names depending on the language. The closest I can give you would be the Middle Eastern goddess of love, equivalent to Roman Venus is Astarte, and her name has Hebrew, Ugaritic, Akkadian and Etruscan variations, but not Arabic.

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