
How do you say "Y6" in german? As in the school year 6?

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How do you say "Y6" in german? As in the school year 6?




  1. Don't say Jahrgang - because Jahrgang requires a year as in "Jahrgang '64" (Year of 1964) - The normal way of saying it in German is "Klasse 6" or "sechste Klasse" so if you wanted to say "I'm in year 6" - you'd say "Ich gehe in die sechste Klasse". Unfortunately there is no abbreviation. The shortest way of putting is "ich geh in die Sechste" - leaving out the "klasse" - that's fine, too. Although a little colloquial.

  2. Jahrgang 6 (sechs)

    Don't know the abbreviation though, sorry.

    edit: Oooh, didn't know that. I was taught "Jahrgang" at school! I shall sue my teachers!

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