
How do you say "angels in leather" in italian?

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Also how do you say leather of the angels in italian?




  1. It depends what do you mean; "pelle" for leather is correct only in the right contest, otherwise pelle means "skin". And ANYWAY if you say "La pelle degli Angeli" an Italian would think first to "the skin of the angels" even if it's written on the sign of a leather shop!

    For leather is better use "cuoio", instead: "Angeli in Cuoio" may give the idea of both angel wearing leather clothes or dolls with features af angels made in leather.

    Even more "Leather of the Angels" is better as "Il cuoio degli angeli".

    Anyway, if you're talking about clothes it all sounds really strange in Italian...

  2. Angeli in pelle

  3. Pinguino has it right - the sense of what you want to say doesn't translate well in to Italian - it sounds strange.

  4. my mum used to try teaching me to talk italian but i never listened , lolxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. "angeli in pelle"

    "pelle degli angeli"

    p.s. I'm italian

  6. "pelle degli angeli" is right..."pelle" means leather , "degli" means of the, "angeli" means angels, "angeli in pelle" is not quite right since it means angels in leather.

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