
How do you say "can you handle it?" in italian?

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How about if I am saying it as in

can you handle the way I AM.

like for instance, say im a very opinionated person, and i mean can you handle that sort of thing.

like a personality, etc.




  1. It depends on the context.

    "sai maneggiarlo/a?" (an object) (which is in fact a literal translation)

    "sai usarlo/a?" (do you know how to use it?)

    "sai manovrarlo/a" (can you operate/control it (a car, a truck, a machine for instance an excavator)

    "puoi gestirlo/a" (to manage or run money, production, to administer)


    "Puoi accettarmi per come sono?" means something like "can you take me for how I am?"

    "Puoi sopportarmi per come sono?" "sopportare" = "to bear"

    also: "puoi accettarmi/sopportarmi per quel/ciò che sono?" = "can you take/bear me for what I am?"

  2. As mentioned above it depends on the context but another example is:

    Ce la fa a occuparti


    Can you handle the plates or shall i help you? =

    Ce la fa a occuparti dei piatti o ti aiuto?

  3. it depends...

    for example, "Can you handle it (a bad situation or problem)?"

    Ce la fai a risolverlo (un problema)?

    Riesci a gestirla (una situazione)?

  4. "Can you handle the way I am?" could be loosely translated as: "Ce la fai a sopportarmi?"

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